Located in the heart of Hackney Wick’s thriving creative community, Wick Market is a destination for lovers of art, shopping, music and food.
The outdoor marketplace is a one-stop shop for all your Sunday delectations – pick your way through stalls showcasing the next generation of hot designers and high-end vintage fashion, find that perfect retro interior decor piece you’ve been after, or work your way round the gourmet street food market.
Expect carefully programmed Holistic Days with Indian head massages, tarot and crystals, Kids’ Days with arts, crafts and music activities, plus bank holiday beach parties and more – it’s a weekly mini-festival in the creative heart of East London!
Wick Market
Every Sunday from May till October 2015
12 midday – 10.30pm
The Old Baths
80 Eastway
E9 5JH
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